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Results for "submediums: Features - Film, content_type: Commentary"
Overwhelmed? Resources That Speak to Your Condition
Stuck? Resources That Speak to Your Condition
Worried? Resources That Speak to Your Condition
Lonely? Resources That Speak to Your Condition
Soulmaking via Spoken Words An overview of the expanding spoken word medium with suggestions for enhancing the audio experience and approaches to explore.
Things to Think and Talk About After Viewing Bully Ten discussion probes on the documentary for use in preventing bullying.
Making Reading Sacred Ways to make reading into a spiritual practice through enthusiasm, gratitude, hospitality, meaning, and openness.
Chernobyl and The Perilous Nuclear Age A 5-part mini-series, other films, books, and spiritual practices to raise awareness and help us deal with the risks and consequences of nuclear weapons and nuclear power.
Thanks for Everything, Bill A tribute and an expression of gratitude to Bill Moyers for his long career on public television and for his modeling of the spiritual practices of justice, compassion, listening, imagination, and mea…